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Update October 7th, 2024:

As you may all know, we have been working on a project for the past 5 months. Finally, today, we bring the largest Halloween Update ever, introducing the Bethlehem Battleground and the Halloween Pass!

Bethlehem Battleground:

Inspired by the Nightmare Zone in OSRS, we have created a completely custom minigame, in which players will spawn up to 10 waves of monsters to fight against in either active or semi-afk fashion.
For every collection log you've completed (Titan and above), a corresponding NPC will spawn in your Bethlehem Battleground.
The monster will not have its regular drop table, but instead, will reward you with Battleground points.

Easy Mode:

There are two difficulties, Easy and Hard. Easy Mode costs 250K cash as an entry fee.
The monsters will have less HP in Easy Mode, and will give less points. There are only normal Titans in Easy Mode.
Madara, Gundam, Bloodlust all reward you with 1 Point.
Sasuke and Sakura will reward you with 2 Points.

Hard Mode:

Hard mode costs 1 x $1 Scroll as an entry fee. , and can only be unlocked after finishing an Elite Titan log.
The monsters will have significantly higher HP but will grant you more points per Kill, and will also grant you 1 Hard Point for Elite Titans and above.
Madara, Gundam, Bloodlust will award you with 5 points.
Sasuke and Sakura will reward you with 10 points.
Joker, Vorago, Icy Vorago, and Dragonbone Corp will reward you with 25 points and 1 Hard Point.
Necromancer Gravewalker, and Soulreaver will reward you with 50 point and 1 Hard Point.
Haunted Halberd will reward you with 100 points and 1 Hard Point.

Battleground Store:

Chalice of Nightmares and Box Magnet
Chalice of Nightmares | +1DR/DDR Per Level | Max Level 100 | Inventory Item
Box Magnet | 1/100 Chance of Returning any box when opened | Max Level 20 (20/100 chance) | Inventory Item (Effectively saving you 20% of your boxes)
Battleground Store: Trinity Set

Trinity Set - (Helm, Body, Legs, Gloves, Boots) | 2.5M Total Tribrid Stats | 1.45x Mage Multiplier per piece
Combine the three VIP6 armours along with the combine scroll found in the Bethlehem Battleground Store to create the Trinity Set
Trinity Set will be used to create the new BIS armour next update

Battleground Store: AOE Unlock scroll and Base Point Unlock Scroll:

AOE scroll allows any weapon to have max 15X15 AOE within Bethlehem Battleground. With testing we've found that it reduces times by about 2-3x in Hard Mode.
Points Scroll gives an additional +5 points per wave.

You will also find the Master Totem Scroll in the Nighmare Zone Store. We are currently allowing players to buy one of each for now. We may up this number in the future. 

Battleground (Hard) Store:

The Hard points obtained from killing Elite Titans and VIP6 monsters in Bethlehem Battleground (Hard) can be used here to obtain materials used in creating the two new BIS items for the Jewels and Wing slots.
Ancient Master Lvl ? - +60DR/DDR | 1.50x all combat styles | 10% Wyrm Chest Boost (17% with Ancient WildyWyrm Pet) | 1000 HP | 1.5x EXP
Bethlehem Jewel(i) - Chance at Legendary Raid items boosted by 12% | 1/8 Chance at bonus key for Halloween & Pokemon Raids | +60DR/DDR

Halloween Pass

We have released a series of events for Halloween over the years. We have decided to release a FREE season pass to reward players for participating in each one.
Total Rewards: 50 Halloween Boxes
You can access the Halloween pass along with other Quests up until November.
Halloween Tasks:
1) Level up H'ween Elemental to Lvl 100 (Rewards: 2 Halloween Boxes) - Note: for those who have not participated last year, you will also receive an Uncharged Lantern Offhand
2) Level up H'ween Elemental to Lvl 100 three times (Rewards: 3 Halloween Boxes)
3) Complete 10 Halloween Raids (Rewards: 1 Halloween Shard Packs)
4) Open 50 H'ween Chests (::hween) (Rewards: 1 Halloween Box)
5) Bury 300 H‘ween Bones (::hween) (Rewards: 1 Halloween Box)
6) Eat 3 Pumpkins (Rewards: 1 Halloween Box)
7) Equip a Halloween Scythe and Kill 100 Titans (Rewards: 5 Halloween Boxes)
😎 Finish 100 Easy Waves (2 Halloween boxes)
9) Finish 300 Easy Waves (3 Halloween Boxes)
10) Finish 100 Hard Waves (6 Halloween Boxes)
11) Complete all of the above (25 Halloween Boxes + entry for Halloween Custom Raffle) 

Warped Emperor Mount:

You can now combine warped coins into a warped crate to obtain the Warped Emperor Mount.
Make sure to subscribe to our mailing list if you haven't already for more monthly rewards.


Summer Update (Part 1) July 8 2024:
Today we welcome the first Summer Revamp in many years. We plan to release a series of updates this summer to celebrate the warm weather and festivities.

Tropical Box Revamp:
1) The basic reward is now a Summer Shard, similar to the Halloween Shard Pack
2) We've added a 1 in 10 chance reward to receive a Hulk Pass, which summons a Giant Beach Hulk automatically similar to the WildyWyrm Pass
3) We have lowered the chances of obtaining of a Lifeguard Set Piece to 1-in-35 from 1-in-100
4) New Legendary Drop from Tropical Box: Summer Emblem is an inventory/toolbelt item that gives double Summer Shard drops from the Giant Beach Hulk, and also allows you to teleport to ::summer all year round.

Summer Shards:
1) Can be used to invent Summer Hades Gloves similar to the Halloween Hades Boots
2) Summer Hades Gloves gives (DR 20/30, Stat 450K 1.25x DMG)
3) Can be used to invent ::420 Enhancement Scroll
4) ::420 Enhancement Scroll can be consumed for a 30% increase to the rate of weeds picked at ::420
5) We will be releasing new items and uses for Summer Shards next update for Summer

VIP System Update:
1) We have decided to set no restrictions on the amount of VIP3 and VIP4 loot boxes you can obtain
2) Extra scrolls are removed from the VIP3 and VIP4 loot boxes since they are no longer needed for renewals
3) Upped the Health of VIP5 upon popular request
4) You can right-click and trade-in extra VIP scrolls for loot boxes ($25 box for VIP1, $50 box for VIP2, $100 box for VIP3, $250 box for VIP4, 2 x $500 crate for VIP5), this is a one-time thing meant to address people who have farmed extra scrolls in the past
Gambling Restrictions:
1) Please do not scam new players, this is horrible for the community. 
2) New players cannot plant seeds unless 10 hours of gameplay has accumulated
3) Plants are not allowed outside of ::dz
4) An alert will be sent to all players to check prices on ::market and to use a staff-middle man (Divine Donator does not mean trusted)

1) Can right click Extreme Donator Scroll to convert to 5 x $1 Scrolls, and Sponsor scroll to 25 x $1 Scrolls
2) Mondays and Thursdays used to be 2x Pest Control points, which are now phased out. Mondays are now 2x Shard Days (Summer Shards from ::summer, Revenant Fragments from Rev Caves, and Zombie Fragments from Treasure Island [stacks to with Icy Salve Amulet & Bethlehem Necklace]). Thursdays are now 2x KC for Weapon Battle Pass.
3) Bonus Days can be seen at the bottom of Quest Tab, along with Beach Hulk Kills
4) Quad boxes will now only announce on 20+ Quad tickets received